Clay Hodges graduated with honors from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1990. He wrote his undergraduate honors thesis on the Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education Supreme Court case.
After graduating from college, Clay spent a year teaching, tending bar, and waiting tables in Europe. He returned to the United States, lived on a houseboat, wrote a novel, earned a master’s degree in literature, and taught for three years at Coastal Carolina Community College in Jacksonville, North Carolina.
In 2004 Clay joined Harris & Winfield, LLP to focus his practice on personal injury and civil litigation. He became a partner in the firm, now Harris Sarratt & Hodges, LLP, in 2006.
He represents clients injured by problem medical devices and prescription drugs. For more information on this subject, please check out Clay’s website: www.northcarolinaproductliabilitylawyer.com. The site provides helpful information to individuals who have been injured by failed medical devices like artificial hips, knees, mesh, CPAP machines, and harmful drugs like Ozempic and Taxotere. For more information, please feel free to email or call Clay (919.546.8788).
For the past four years (2021-2024) Clay has been recognized as a Super Lawyer in the practice area of personal injury: product liability. He was also chosen as Legal Elite for litigation in Business North Carolina magazine. He is a member of the 2003-2005 class of the William C. Friday Fellowship for Leadership and Human Relations, and also served as Chair of his Rotary Club’s scholarship committee. Clay has also taught law in the graduate studies program at Meredith College.
Clay is married to Kelly Hodges, and they have two children, James and Olivia. As a third grader, James served as defense counsel for the Big Bad Wolf and obtained an acquittal on charges of the murder of two little pigs.